
Happy New Year everyone. Thank you for your support for my journey as an author. Every day, I pray God will use my books to glorify His name and to lead others in faith to Him. With 9 books published and ideas for 21 more, I trust Him to accomplish His will through me.

2024 has been quite the year. Overall, I’ve written 170,787 words, or approximately 513 pages. That works out to 466 words per day. My goal is 500, but I don’t feel bad about missing it. I published “The Messengers: Decision” on August 24, and editing a book is very labor intensive, with reviewing, writing, and rewriting. There’s no way to calculate how many words that would be.

What’s coming up in 2025? First of all, a new laptop. This past Friday, after finishing writing Sunday’s sermon, I tried to close the laptop I have had since before COVID. One of the hinges snapped and a piece of plastic jammed in the mechanism, causing the screen to begin to separate.

After some investigation, I realized it wasn’t worth the cost of repair. That computer has been the device for all my writing since the beginning, but now I have a new one, though I’m still getting it set up. What a pain!

Additionally, a pair of books are in the first draft process: one at 50% and another at 67%. I believe I’m well on my way to publishing at least 1, if not 2, books in 2025.

May you have a blessed new year!


I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas. With everything else that’s going on in the world, it is good to reflect and celebrate that the world’s “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace” has come.

We spent Christmas day with our sons, telling stories, offering opinions, sharing a meal, playing games, and watching Marty’s Steelers look terrible.

When it came time for gift giving, I got lucky. Originally, I had for Myra some silly pajamas, a t-shirt with a Pug on it, and some blue-filtering glasses for when she’s on her tablet in bed. Then I realized: I had fun and practical, but I didn’t have pretty. A quick stop at our local jewelry store saved the day. 

As for myself, I received a few “author” kinds of gifts, including a pair of books on writing and this t-shirt: “I am a writer. Anything you say or do may be used in a story.”

Of course, this would also be true for anyone close to a preacher, but especially for my current book. I would estimate I am two-thirds finished with the first draft. Of course, it is difficult to find time during December. Even the week between Christmas and New Year’s has its commitments, so I’m estimating the end of February before it’s ready for my editors.

So be careful out there when you are near a writer or a preacher: you may end up in a book or a sermon.


I finished writing chapter 11 of “A New Home” the other day. This book is meant to be light-hearted and fun, but this chapter.

Is it wrong to bust out laughing at your own words?

The chapter started out as a story from my past. Then I saw a newspaper article that gave me an idea, and I ran with it. In the end, it is nineteen pages of pure fun, with several belly-laughers. 

I won’t give away the story. Not yet, at least. 


Halfway There

I wanted to update my fans that my next book is halfway through the first draft process.

I began “A New Home” on August 23, and since then, I have finished 10 chapters and written 54,853 words. That works out to 645 words per day, more than my 500 word goal. Currently, the book looks to end up being 329 pages long and over 100,000 words.

The characters are developing nicely, with several surprises coming up.

Now, is it wrong to laugh at my own jokes? Seriously, there are some funny lines in here already.

Of course, that’s what this book is to be about: a light-hearted look at the ministry and what goes on in churches. And that’s something we need in this dark world: light, hope, and laughter.

Keep praying for me as I write. At this rate, the draft will be completed in February. Then comes the editing process. It might be the summer of 2025 before you can order your own copy.