
Happy New Year everyone. Thank you for your support for my journey as an author. Every day, I pray God will use my books to glorify His name and to lead others in faith to Him. With 9 books published and ideas for 21 more, I trust Him to accomplish His will through me.

2024 has been quite the year. Overall, I’ve written 170,787 words, or approximately 513 pages. That works out to 466 words per day. My goal is 500, but I don’t feel bad about missing it. I published “The Messengers: Decision” on August 24, and editing a book is very labor intensive, with reviewing, writing, and rewriting. There’s no way to calculate how many words that would be.

What’s coming up in 2025? First of all, a new laptop. This past Friday, after finishing writing Sunday’s sermon, I tried to close the laptop I have had since before COVID. One of the hinges snapped and a piece of plastic jammed in the mechanism, causing the screen to begin to separate.

After some investigation, I realized it wasn’t worth the cost of repair. That computer has been the device for all my writing since the beginning, but now I have a new one, though I’m still getting it set up. What a pain!

Additionally, a pair of books are in the first draft process: one at 50% and another at 67%. I believe I’m well on my way to publishing at least 1, if not 2, books in 2025.

May you have a blessed new year!